This is a very small snippet of what has been going on.
Loving // The change of season and the abundant wildflowers this year. It has been much wetter than it has been for a long time and the paddocks are alive with colour. It takes me back to my childhood and memories of collecting paper daisies or going out on our property to look for Sturt Desert Peas with my Grandpa
Eating // Testing out the Broken Hill School of the Air cookbook, Boots Off Apron On and making jam drops. They make me think of shearing. I think they were one of the Smoko Box staples!
Drinking // Beautiful English Rose tea given to me by a friend for my birthday.
Feeling // mixed emotions about changes and saying goodbyes. I keep hearing that quote in my head from The Sound of Music ' When the Lord closes a door, somewhere he opens a window.' Other days I just hear Elton John singing 'The Circle of Life'. Ah well, if nothing else I am entertained.
Making // Time to just be. Tricky, but essential
Dreaming // Of days spent adventuring, exploring, getting lost, being an intrepid travellers
with my beloved...these days are coming! Soon...
Enjoy the spring flowers (or the autumn colours), wherever you may be.
Kate xx
Linking with Sarah from 'Say! Little Hen' for Here and Now