Sometimes we learn from experience, sometimes from wisdom shared and sometimes it is just life lessons and the passing of time that are our teachers...
I know that... fairy bread is often the answer, there should ALWAYS be sparklers, every day is a new day, you should always make time to play, enjoy the little things, coffee, take time to talk to the trees. Trees are wise!
I have also learnt that I am not good at regular blogging, even when I set myself a challenge, which I have spectacularly failed in 2018! There have been no more recipes from my beautiful calendar as promised, but I do now know that this is not something I can commit to. I spend a lot of work hours faffing with photos and writing stories on my laptop so the families of my preschool students reap the benefits of my storytelling and photography skills. Sadly I do not then choose to do this in my spare time for any lucky blog readers. Sorry.
I DO promise that while I stalk the light, kayak, walk among the trees or around my neighbourhood, read, chase coffee vans and go on little family adventures I will share these with you :)
Today's forecast is for a sneaky read, maybe a movie, hopefully some cake and time in the unseasonably warm sun (probably from under the clothesline!)
Happy weekend
Kate xx