Sunday 8 April 2018

What I Know...

Sometimes we learn from experience, sometimes from wisdom shared and sometimes it is just life lessons and the passing of time that are our teachers...

I know that... fairy bread is often the answer, there should ALWAYS be sparklers, every day is a new day, you should always make time to play, enjoy the little things, coffee, take time to talk to the trees. Trees are wise!

I have also learnt that I am not good at regular blogging, even when I set myself a challenge, which I have spectacularly failed in 2018! There have been no more recipes from my beautiful calendar as promised, but I do now know that this is not something I can commit to. I spend a lot of work hours faffing with photos and writing stories on my laptop so the families of my preschool students reap the benefits of my storytelling and photography skills. Sadly I do not then choose to do this in my spare time for any lucky blog readers. Sorry. 

I DO promise that while I stalk the light, kayak, walk among the trees or around my neighbourhood, read, chase coffee vans and go on little family adventures I will share these with you :)

Today's forecast is for a sneaky read, maybe a movie, hopefully some cake and time in the unseasonably warm sun (probably from under the clothesline!)

Happy weekend

Kate xx


  1. I was lamenting just this morning that my blogging efforts have fallen away - I only just scrape in with the "I've Done It" round-up once a month. Like you, all my efforts in storytelling are for somewhere else so blogging has become one of the "to-dos" on a long list of to-dos - uni reading and writing also sits on that long list of to-dos, which today has meant sitting about between edits of a group assignment, possibly my least favourite part of study, group work.

  2. Oops sorry. I promise a coffee/tea cake SOON. x

  3. Love your little reminders of the small things, the things that matter and the things that make life special. Enjoy your days and I look forward to your next installment of "lifes reminders" whenever you can.

  4. So warm isn't it Kate? Enjoy the sunshine x

    1. Unseasonably so! We can't do anything else but enjoy x


Thank you for your comments. I love knowing that you're reading and appreciate the time taken to comment.
Kate x

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