Friday, 5 April 2013

Grateful for volunteering

This week has been a struggle! It is not often that I have this feeling at work but I have lost my mojo and am counting the very hours and minutes until the holidays. I can't quite put my finger on why but I do know that this week has not been a pretty one from this teacher's chair!!!
Each week I go to Miss B's classroom to help with Literacy Groups which I really enjoy and this week in particular I am extremely grateful that I volunteer my time to do this. Miss B's teacher knows that I have spent some time in a classroom before so she planned her groups this weeks with me taking a small group for a grammar lesson. I got the teacher's book, that whiteboard, the whiteboard markers.....I loved it!
At the end of the hour she thanked me profusely, saying how lucky she was to have my help every week but I left thinking it should actually be me thanking her. This one hour reminded me that I DO love teaching, I am good at it and I really enjoy the company of small children. 
Do you volunteer anywhere? It is true what they say about volunteering being rewarding isn't it?
I hope you all have a great weekend and if you happen to run into my mojo please send it back ! 
I am linking with 52 weeks of Grateful at Village Voices on Kidspot
Kate x

Tuesday, 2 April 2013

By the Light of the Easter Moon...

treats left in the trees
Not only did the Easter Bunny visit us but there was much feasting of things cooked over and under coals this weekend...
marshmallow roasting

in the light of the setting sun...

alfresco hot cross buns

Dough bunnies...damper wrapped around a stick and cooked over the fire. Once cooked you remove the stick and fill with butter and golden syrup. Best breakfast treat ever!!!

camping with a view

camp oven scones

We have not camped much as a family but it was a resounding success and we are all looking forward to the next opportunity.

We are extremely lucky to have family living in such a beautiful (and close) spot so not only do we get to play in the dirt and poke fires with sticks but we get to share it with them too.

I hope you had a great weekend too!

Kate xx
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